"A portrait is not a likeness. The moment an emotion or fact is transformed into a photograph it is no longer a fact but an opinion. There is no such thing as inaccuracy in a photograph. All photographs are accurate. None of them is the truth." - Richard Avedon

Wednesday 10 March 2010

Modern Monroe

The following images are from my third weeks shoot. The shoot went really well and I got alot of good images. The shoot was done in the college studio and I used a high key set-up for the images. I am happy with the images which I got and I have a good mix of Marilyn Monroe poses and some of my own. This was my first ever beauty shoot and I am hoping to do more in the future. The view the rest of the shoot click here.

Taken: 9th March 2010
I chose this image to upload as I feel that it is a very natural looking beauty shot with not too much posing. To achieve this image I got the model to relax on the floor with the fabric draped over the upper half of her body, I then stood above and to the left of her to get this angle. I feel that this is a very feminine and beautiful shot of the model, I also think that the fact that she is looking straight into the camera creates a connection between the viewer and the model. After the shoot I uploaded the image to my computer and then edited it in photoshop. In photoshop I first removed any blemishes such as spots, moles and freckles to create smoother and more desirable skin. I then increased the saturation on the skin slightly to give the model more of a tan and to give her a more natural skin tone as the lighting and flash made her skin look un-naturally pale. After I sorted out the skin of the model I moved onto the fabric, the fabric which I used was a lighter blue than what it looks like in the image but I increased the contrast of the fabric and then darkened it to give a variety of colours throughout the shoot.

Taken: 9th March 2010
This image I took just after the one above but this time I stood further away from the model but still above so that I could get as much of her body in the shot as possible. I wanted to make this image beautiful and sexual without making it look too much like a saucy image you would see in a lads mag. In this image the model again is looking straight into the camera with a soft gaze which creates a slight innocence to the image. The way in which the model is posed in this image is so simple and, I think, very womanly. You can see the shape and curves of her body yet she has covered up the upper half of herself exposing just a slight part of her stomach and hip. I didn't have to do much to this image in photoshop as her skin wasn't as washed out this time. All that I had to do to this image was remove the blemishes and increase the saturation slightly on both the skin and the fabric.

Taken: 9th March 2010
This image is my favorite of the set. In this image I wanted to try and recreate the colours in one of Bert Stern's images by decreasing the saturation of the model's skin, until it is almost black and white, to make the colour of the fabric stand out further. I feel that the colours work well in this image, and the way that fabric falls down her front and then falls beside her creates a divide between the floor and her body. This stops her body from blending into the floor and makes her stand out more in the image. This time the model is looking off to top camera left in a dreamy way, this makes the viewer think more about the image and what the model is feeling. To create the difference between the model and the fabric I first made two matching layers of this image in photoshop. I then decreased the contrast on the upper layer to create the de-saturated look on her skin, and I increased the satuartion of the layer below to create a brighter looking fabric. I then used the eraser tool on the upper layer and erased the de-saturated fabric so that the bright fabric

Taken: 9th March 2010
To capture this image I told the model to stay in the position as she was before so that I could get an image of her looking back towards the camera. I crouched behind her and got her to look at the camera so that I could get an image from a different than the others. I feel that this image works well in this set as it breaks the images up slightly as it is different, this will stop the viewer from getting bored of looking at the images. The model looks amazing in this shot and I feel that it could easily be in one of todays fashion and beauty magazines. The slight transparency of the fabric helps to cover her semi-naked body yet you can still see her curves which I think is essential in any beauty shot. The models in today's magazines don't look feminine with no curves or breasts and I think it is time that more images, of normal women, like this one are shown in magazines and adverts.

Taken: 9th March 2010
I included this image in the set to show how certain camera angles can be un-flattering. In the rest of the images the model is curvy with a flat stomach and thin upper arms, but because of the angle of the camera in relation to the model this image has given the model a belly and slightly larger upper arms.

Taken: 9th March 2010

Taken: 9th March 2010
To try and get the model to relax more I asked to have fun with the fabric and poses and try and get a feel for modelling in the studio. This worked well as after I took this image and some others like it the model relaxed and the images looked less posed and more natural. I will definatly try this technique again in the future aswell as trying to have a joke and a laugh whilst taking the images.

Taken: 9th March 2010
I definatly captured an image like Bert Stern's, with a Marilyn Monroe pose, but out of all the images in this set I would say that this is my least favorite image. This is because the model looks too posed and slightly awkward in front of the camera. I think this is because this image was taken right at the beginning of the shoot and she wasn't as relaxed as she was further on in the shoot. If I was to do a shoot like this again in the future I would try and get the model to relax before the shoot so that all the images right from the start turned out great.

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